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SKU: 1234
MSE PRO Lab Near-Infrared (NIR) Spectrometer 460
MSE PRO Lab Near-Infrared (NIR) Spectrometer 450
MSE PRO Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectrometer
MSE PRO Lab Fluorescence Spectrophotometer
MSE PRO High-performance Double Beam UV/VIS Spectrophotometer, Continuous Adjustable Bandwidth, 190-900 nm
MSE PRO Integrating Sphere for High-performance Double Beam UV/VIS Spectrophotometer
MSE PRO Double Beam UV/VIS Spectrophotometer with Smart Touch Screen, 190-1100 nm
MSE PRO High-performance Single Beam UV/VIS Spectrophotometer, 190-1100 nm
MSE PRO Single Beam UV/VIS Spectrophotometer with Smart Touch Screen, 190-1100 nm