
vacuum plasma cleaner

MSE PRO Plasma Cleaner for TEM Sample Preparation - MSE Supplies LLC

MSE PRO Plasma Cleaner for TEM Sample Preparation

£24,77100 Save £2,97300

PVD or CVD Coating Equipment for SEM Sample Preparation? 

PVD and CVD are valuable processes, but one may be better for your operations than the other, depending on your goals. When determining the right approach, consider the nature of each process.

CVD creates higher-purity coatings because it uses gas-coating materials, making it ideal for SEM sample preparation. It's also excellent for uniform coating on pieces of any shape, which is suitable for conductive materials. PVD, conversely, offers exceptional abrasion and impact resistance, even with a thin film. PVD films can also withstand high temperatures, making them ideal for applications like solar technology in which the item will be exposed to intense heat.

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