
News — Buy Agate Media Sets

Milling Media: Factors for choosing milling media for planetary and roller ball mills

Milling Media: Factors for choosing milling media for planetary and roller ball mills

Posted by MSE Supplies Admin on

Factors for choosing milling media for planetary and roller ball mills

  • There are several factors for choosing milling media for planetary ball mills. For instance, the media of choice needs to be a harder material than the sample being processed. 
  • Initial and final particle size of the sample is a major consideration. Small media does not efficiently break up large sample particles but small media is needed to reduce the sample to a finer powder
Agate Milling Media and Agate Planetary Ball Mill Jars

Agate Milling Media and Agate Planetary Ball Mill Jars

Posted by MSE Supplies Admin on

MSE Supplies agate milling media and agate planetary ball mill jars that are very wear-resistant, chemically resistant, and non-contaminating if used correctly.