Physical Property Measurement System (PPMS) Analytical Service
The design concept of the Physical Property Measurement System (PPMS) is to integrate fully automated measurement capabilities for electrical, magnetic, and thermal properties on a platform with precisely controlled temperature and strong magnetic fields. The basic functionalities of the PPMS can be divided into the following components: temperature and magnetic field control, DC electrical measurements, and the PPMS control software system. The core hardware of the basic system includes the measurement sample chamber, standard liquid helium Dewar, superconducting magnet with power supply, vacuum pump, computer, and electronic control systems.
For most routine experimental projects, the PPMS is equipped with pre-designed automated measurement software and standard measurement capabilities such as hysteresis loops, resistivity, magnetoresistance, Hall coefficient, and current-voltage characteristics. Additionally, the MPMS-SQUID system is available for detecting weak magnetic signals with higher precision testing capabilities.
Sample Requirements:
Powder Samples: >3 mg, ideally within the range of 10–50 mg.
Bulk Samples: 0.1 × 0.1 × 0.1 mm < bulk sample < 2 × 2 × 2 mm.
Thin Film Samples: 1 × 1 × 0.1 mm < thin film sample < 2 × 2 × 2 mm.
Liquid Samples: Recommended volume: 1–3 mL, with a minimum of 50 µL.
Note: The listed price is for reference only. Please request a quote for the final pricing.
Analytical Service Minimum order requirement: $250 per order. A $200 handling fee will be applied if order is below $250.
Please contact sales@msesupplies.com for additional information and instructions on our Analytical Services program. Confirmation of the sample(s) requirements, SDS sheets and additional information is needed prior to processing the Analytical Service order.
***Please do not ship any samples without authorization from MSE Supplies***