MSE PRO B-doped Graphene Quantum Dots Solution (Blue Fluorescence) - MSE Supplies LLC

MSE PRO B-doped Graphene Quantum Dots Solution (Blue Fluorescence)

SKU: CM8031

  • $ 24995
  • Save $ 3000

MSE PRO™ B-doped Graphene Quantum Dots Solution (Blue Fluorescence)


B-doped Graphene Quantum Dots Solution can be used in various fields including composite materials, bio-labeling, optoelectronic devices, fluorescence materials, identifying the poytotoxicity, ecotoxicity, natural antioxidants exert anti-inflammatory effects, etc.

Store sealed and light-protected at 4℃.

MSE Supplies offers a variety of quantum dots (QDs) products, include graphene oxide QDs, graphene QDs, sulfur QDs, carbon QDs, silicon QDs, etc. We can also provide powder form quantum dots. Please contact us for more information.


SKU# Solvent Concentration Package Size Size B content
CM8031 Water 10 mg/mL 5 mL <10 nm 3.55at%
CM8032 10 mL


[1] Xiaofang Liu, Jiaxi Deng, Jiawei Li, et al. B-doped graphene quantum dots array as fluorescent sensor platforms for plasticizers detection, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Volume 376, Part B, 2023, 132989, ISSN 0925-4005.

[2] Li, Xiaokang, Sun, Shan, Guo, Shuqing, Hu, Xiangang, Identifying the Phytotoxicity and Defense Mechanisms Associated with Graphene-Based Nanomaterials by Integrating Multiomics and Regular Analysis, Environmental Science & Technology,  9938-9948, 55, 14, 0013-936X.