
LaAlO3 Lanthanum Aluminate Crystal Substrates

  • $ 3995
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LaAlO3 single crystal substrates are commonly used for epitaxial growth of thin films such as high Tc superconductors, magnetic and ferroelectric materials. The dielectric properties of LaAlO3 crystal make it suitable for low loss microwave and dielectric resonance electronics applications. MSE Supplies can supply a wide range of LaAlO3 single crystals and epi-ready crystal substrates to meet customer's specific requirements

Main Parameters
Crystal system
Hexagonal (room temperature)
Cube (> 435 deg C>
Lattice constant
Hexagonal a = 5.357A c = 13.22 A
Cubic a = 3.821 A
Melting point (°C)
Band gap 5.6 eV
6.52 (g/cm3)
6-6.5 (mohs)
Thermal expansion coefficient
9.4x10-6 / deg C
Loss tangent (10 GHz)
~ 3 x 10-4 @ 300K, ~ 0.6 x 10-4 @ 77K
Color and Appearance
Based on annealing conditions, from brown-yellow to brown color. Polished substrate surface shows natural twinned domain
Chemical stability
Insoluble in mineral acids at 25 deg C and soluble in H3PO3 at > 150 deg C
Growth method
Czochralski method
Domains Multi-domains
5x5, 10x5, 10x10, 15x15, 20x15, 20x20 mm, other sizes are available upon request
D = 15, 20, 1 ", 2"
0.5mm, 1.0mm
Single or double side polished
Crystal orientation
<100> <110> <111>
Crystal orientation accuracy
 +/- 0.5 degree
Surface Roughness, Ra:
 <0.5 nm (5 x 5 um area) epi-ready
sealed in a class 100 clean bag packed in class 1000 clean room