ICP-OES Testing Service, ICP-OES Analytical Service,  MSE Supplies

ICP-OES Testing Service, ICP-OES Analytical Service

  • $ 8000
  • Save $ -605

ICP-OES Testing Service and ICP-OES Analytical Service offer fast, accurate and reliable analysis of elements in a sample. This high-precision analytical service utilizes the latest ICP-OES (Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry) technology to detect a range of metals and non-metals at parts-per-million, parts-per-billion or trace levels. Results are provided quickly and with a high degree of accuracy.

Starting at $65 per element, MSE Supplies offers professional ICP-OES Testing Service using PerkinElmer Optima 5300DV, Optima 8300, ICP 2100 or similar instrument.

$65 per element with no sample processing (ready to test samples)

$80 per element with regular digestion sample processing

$90 per element by digestion with HF acid sample processing

$300 per sample (full scan) with HF acid sample processing

* Note: Data analysis service is not included in the list prices.

Highlights: High Quality Data, Competitive Pricing, Technical Support by Scientists.

Before shipping samples to us, please contact to provide the SDS and confirm the sample requirements. This will help to avoid unnecessary delays in sample processing.

Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES)

Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) based analytical techniques can provide quantitative bulk elemental composition of a wide variety of sample types, including powders, solids, liquids, and suspensions. Solid samples are generally dissolved or digested using a combination of acids in a closed microwave system, thus retaining potentially volatile analyte species. The resulting sample solution is then nebulized into the core of an inductively coupled argon plasma, where temperatures of approximately 9000 K are attained. At such high temperatures, the nebulized solution is vaporized, and the analyte species are atomized, ionized and thermally excited. The analyte species can then be detected and quantified with an optical emission spectrometer (OES), which measures the intensity of radiation emitted at the element-specific, characteristic wavelength from thermally excited analyte atoms or ions. Intensity measurements are converted to elemental concentration by comparison with calibration standards. This technique is especially powerful for quantitative chemical analysis when standards are not available.